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Liverpool Knowsley
At Liverpool Knowsley:
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Image of ladies carrying their yoga mats following a class

Liverpool KnowsleyYoga

Image of a group of people taking part in a yoga class

Yoga at Liverpool Knowsley

Our Liverpool Knowsley studio offers yoga classes every week. Our timetable makes it easy for you to choose a class based around your busy schedule and means you never miss out on your much-needed relaxation time. Check our timetable for availability and times.

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Image of a lady doing a yoga stretch on a mat

Yoga for everyone


Improve your posture, build your immune system and de-stress with yoga at David Lloyd Clubs. These sessions concentrate on bringing balance and harmony to both body and mind, through postures and breathing.

Yoga classes for all ages and ability

Whether you are a beginner or master anyone can attend yoga classes at Liverpool Knowsley. Classes are open to anyone: old or young, injured, fit or unfit, supple or inflexible, male or female.

Image of a group of 3 ladies doing yoga in a mirrored studio

Expert yoga instructors

Our classes are led by experienced yoga instructors who will guide you through every bend and stretch. They are able to adapt the sequence for every ability, so beginners can mix with even the most experienced yogis.

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Highlights at David Lloyd Liverpool Knowsley*
A member exercising in the club

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David Lloyd Leisure Ltd. United Kingdom © Copyright 2025

VAT No. 740 5477 34. Registered Company No. 1516226 David Lloyd Leisure Ltd, The Hangar, Mosquito Way, Hatfield Business Park, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AX

*Disclaimer: images are for illustration only and may not be of the club you have selected.